All change: tax on land transactions

July 14, 2015

The government estimates that it has cut SDLT for 98% of people purchasing property, but anyone buying a more expensive home – one costing over £937,500 – will pay more than previously.

Shared parenting arrives

July 6, 2015

Parents can take shared parental leave (SPL) where an employee’s baby is due after 4 April 2015. With SPL, parents can take leave together or separately, and leave can be stopped and restarted, with a return to work in between.

Pension income – making the most of it

June 30, 2015

As people were preparing for ‘pension freedom’ from 6 April 2015, the Budget brought yet more changes to pension planning with a proposed cut in the lifetime allowance from £1.25 million to £1 million from April 2016.

Curtains for the annual tax return?

June 22, 2015

Millions of taxpayers will no longer have to make annual tax returns if plans outlined in the Budget come to fruition. What could this mean for you?

Marketing – the 7 P’s

June 17, 2015

The 7 P’s are an effective way to consider other areas of your business marketing other than just promotion. It takes into account Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence for a rounded view to grow and develop your business.

CGT: How working at home triggers CGT

June 16, 2015

Using a room in you home for business purposes can trigger CGT when making a profit upon sale. There are certain actions to ensure you can still claim the full tax relief though leaving you exempt from CGT.

Taking money from a pension – watch for tax

June 11, 2015

The Pension Reform issued new rules from April 2015, meaning more flexible options for pensioners to withdraw from their pension after age 55. Watch out for tax though and how it could affect your tax credits and state benefits, if applicable.

Building lifetime relationships with your patients

June 8, 2015

Do you know the value of your good patients and how through building lifetime relationships with them you can increase your patient retention and attract new, similar minded patients?

CGT: How working at home triggers CGT

June 8, 2015

Many commercial business owners choose to use their home space for work or storage and understanding the tax can help ensure should you sell your home you can still claim the maximum tax relief against capital gains tax.

The 7 P’s of marketing

June 3, 2015

Many business owners consider marketing as purely the promotion of their service. However, when looking at marketing in more detail there are considered 7 P’s worth thinking about – Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence.