Inheritance Tax Update – get IHT savvy now!

Inheritance tax can be a complex subject and a particularly unfavourable tax, not to say mention a pretty gloomy matter of facing our fears relating to death. Nevertheless, it requires acknowledgment and since the tax hit can be hard when it comes to Inheritance Tax (IHT) it is best practice to get IHT savvy now and make use of the allowances and peripheral options available. Read more…

New pension tax relief auto calculator

Since tax relief was reduced from £50,000 to £40,000 in 2014, HMRC have made an updated calculator available to work out the annual allowance for tax relief on pensions, taking into account any unused allowances.

Saving time for small businesses

In an attempt to make life easier for small businesses in terms of their tax compliance, the government have allowed the concept of ‘cash accounting’ to still be available for those with a total turnover of under £81,000.