Although this doesn’t apply to many of you, it is good news that HMRC are making some positive moves to assist those who are struggling with cash flow issues right…
One way to lower your tax bill is to borrow money from your own limited company, as long as you repay it within 9 months of the company’s year-end. Rules…
The topic surrounding the ever present discussion on whether to structure a business via an LLP or a Limited company for tax planning purposes, has further light shed on it…
Internet Advertising 4Dentists, specialists in internet advertising within the dental field, are offering 10% off their online advertising services exclusively for Figurit clients. What do they do? They provide expertise…
Figurit have teamed up with Zesty – an online, fully interactive, directory listing and booking service, who help dentists and other healthcare professionals reduce empty patient slots enabling you to…
Up to 25% off CPD Training by booking through Figurit! Figurit are continually building relationships with business professionals so we can provide our clients with access to high quality, trusted and…
The 2013 Budget is ready. What changes are in the pipeline? From Employment allowances, a drop in Corporation tax and pension contribution allowances to new ways to clamp down on tax avoidance – read about it here.
Thinking of gifting your holiday home to your children to avoid inheritance tax? Beware, if you continue to use it now and again, HMRC will see it see it as still belonging to you. What should you do now?