Ensure and insure your IHT bill is nil
June 23, 2014
Gift income or wealth to loved ones and die within seven years and you are likely to be subject to Inheritance Tax (IHT) on a sliding scale, depending on the gift date.June 23, 2014
Gift income or wealth to loved ones and die within seven years and you are likely to be subject to Inheritance Tax (IHT) on a sliding scale, depending on the gift date.June 19, 2014
As a dentist you are obliged to carry out Continued Professional Development (CPD) each yea. In the age of technology where we all carry a mobile phone and many now an I-pad, why not also manage your CPD on your mobile device?June 16, 2014
You have a personal responsibility to keep on top of your tax position in terms of timely filing and timely payments. Here is a handy check list of those dates you should be putting a ring around in your diary.June 15, 2014
Payments of remuneration such as salary and bonuses are a tax-deductible expense for a limited company. The tax however is payable by the employees or the directors as recipients, however, with a little careful tax planning, the tax relief for the company can be claimed up-front whilst the payment of tax for the directors or employees can be delayed to future tax periods. Find out how…June 14, 2014
In this article we explain the regularly misunderstood matter of what can be claimed when travelling overseas for a seminar, course or conference. Doctors and dentists regularly visit other countries around the world for educational purposes, but where is the line drawn for what is tax deductible and what is considered personal use? Read more…June 13, 2014
Inheritance tax can be a complex subject and a particularly unfavourable tax, not to say mention a pretty gloomy matter of facing our fears relating to death. Nevertheless, it requires acknowledgment and since the tax hit can be hard when it comes to Inheritance Tax (IHT) it is best practice to get IHT savvy now and make use of the allowances and peripheral options available. Read more…June 13, 2014
Company car or phone? The P11d ‘benefit in kind’ form filing deadline is fast approaching. If you have a company car, telephone, travel card or other benefits Figurit can help prepare your P11d.June 12, 2014
Since tax relief was reduced from £50,000 to £40,000 in 2014, HMRC have made an updated calculator available to work out the annual allowance for tax relief on pensions, taking into account any unused allowances.June 2, 2014
With an overall target of £100 billion to recover before 2015, HMRC have stepped up their investigations into tax abuse, and doctors and dentists have found themselves as easy targets!May 27, 2014
In an attempt to make life easier for small businesses in terms of their tax compliance, the government have allowed the concept of ‘cash accounting’ to still be available for those with a total turnover of under £81,000.