Curtains for the annual tax return?

June 22, 2015

Millions of taxpayers will no longer have to make annual tax returns if plans outlined in the Budget come to fruition. What could this mean for you?

CGT: How working at home triggers CGT

June 16, 2015

Using a room in you home for business purposes can trigger CGT when making a profit upon sale. There are certain actions to ensure you can still claim the full tax relief though leaving you exempt from CGT.

Taking money from a pension – watch for tax

June 11, 2015

The Pension Reform issued new rules from April 2015, meaning more flexible options for pensioners to withdraw from their pension after age 55. Watch out for tax though and how it could affect your tax credits and state benefits, if applicable.

Building lifetime relationships with your patients

June 8, 2015

Do you know the value of your good patients and how through building lifetime relationships with them you can increase your patient retention and attract new, similar minded patients?

The 7 P’s of marketing

June 3, 2015

Many business owners consider marketing as purely the promotion of their service. However, when looking at marketing in more detail there are considered 7 P’s worth thinking about – Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence.

How incorporation can still work

May 29, 2015

Despite reduced tax benefits, incorporation is still very much a viable option for many doctors and dentists.

Shortage of GP’s due to early retirement

May 26, 2015

More GP’s are opting to take early retirement, according to GP Pulse magazine, due to changes in the NHS Pension scheme, as well as work related stress to open longer hours and decreasing income packages. Sound familiar?

Annuity rates falling

May 22, 2015

Since the Pension Reform, it is no longer a requirement to purchase an annuity, insurance that guarantees an income for life. Since then, annuity values have been on the decline, which isn’t such good news for pensioners.

More start-ups and more growth challenges

May 19, 2015

Despite a growing number of new business startups, there is a decline in those managing to reach income levels of £2.5 million or more. Could this be they deliberately want to stay small or are they struggling with significant growth?

Stamp duty restructure is saving thousands

May 15, 2015

Since the restructure of the Stamp Duty Land Tax system, property purchasers are saving on average £1,300 with London-buyers savings up to £4,600 on average. How does this effect you?